Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is Article-370 justified?

A woman from Jammu & Kashmir requested her Govt. for a medical aid for her child, she was denied as she was not living in Jammu & Kashmir- just because of Article-370. An elected MP from Jammu & Kashmir can vote for a bill in parliament but ironically, he/she himself/herself can't avail it. Unlike to rest of India one can not avail RTI, RTE, food security and many others public welfare programs in Jammu & Kashmir- even then Article-370 is justified?

Tribes in Jammu & Kashmir, be it Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist, are not getting any reservations. Women don't have right as in other part of India. Why there are different laws in some parts of India? We need one-nation one-law rule in India for the people. People of Jammu & Kashmir don't go to other parts of India for employment just to maintain their residential status in the valley. Why are politicians adamant? Is it not a complacent attitude?

Discussion should be a much needed behavior in democracy. Politicians adamantly destroying it. Please keep on discussing. Narendra Modi opened a debate to nation- let's appreciate it and answer him with own logic. Issues should not be dodged. Positive and negative angles will only be exposed through a debate. Let's incorporate it in politics and make it a DNA of politics.

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