Friday, September 28, 2012

Another scam, now it is irrigation in Maharashtra

Now a days wherever you put your hand, you will pick a scam. In the current scenario one should not be surprised with this. More importantly, our politicians (though not all) opposing this just only by political compulsions, otherwise behind the camera they all do this with their mutual understanding. Arvind Kejriwal is right (though I am agree with some of his thought, but I do not support him) with his comment that "who will investigate?".

Media reports say that thousands of crore have been looted in Maharashtra. Who is accountable, who should be responsible for this? Definitely, the government and its allies.

Yesterday I was watching debate on NDTV. In this program, I came to know that a dam project was allotted to a close friend of Ajit Powar (then Irrigation Minister), originally this project was around Rs.50 lacks, but after 1 month it has been upgraded to Rs.300 lacks by giving the reason behind this that the cost of raw materials has been increased (RTI report). Just imagine within a month this much of increment in cost. It is not necessary for you to be an economic expert to understand this game. There are many questions that come in mind of each one and these should be asked by them to their representative. Where did this money go, for whom this increment was done? Of course in the name of dam project, money has been siphoned to Ajit Powar's pocket.

People should understand this and should ask questions. If still you are not getting your answers, you have a power to show mirror to these politicians i.e. power of vote.

Jai Hind..

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Strongly condemn assassinations of Sarpanches in Jammu and Kashmir

Assassinations of democratically elected Sarpanches in Jammu and Kashmir are very disappointing. Some separatists with the help of Pakistan-based militant organizations have been found to be involved in this matter. I urge people of Kashmir that they should realize the reality and expose these opportunistic anti-national elements. These people do not want to see peace and development in Kashmir because in this case their existence will be in danger, which is not acceptable to them in any situation. They do not care about the Kashmiris but their boss sitting in Pakistan from whom they are getting financial support. My dear brother you are the part of India, its your country. Please unite against these anti-national elements and raise your voice. This is the only way by which they can be weakened and also the only way to bring peace back in our Jannat on earth i.e. Kashmir.

Jai Hind....

57th Foundation Day of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

It's 57th foundation day of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. On this occasion AIIMS has organized an exhibition for its contribution to health care and public awareness. AIIMS President, Union Health Minister, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, was present on this occasion and announced that other AIIMS will be functioning very soon and 17 other medical colleges will be upgraded to AIIMS-like.

After that almost each department exhibited its contribution in form of research, clinical developments etc. Since my lab is working on cancer, therefore, my lab displayed that cycloxgenage-2 (COX-2) could be a prognostic marker for oral cancer. 

In our lab, COX-2 has been found to be overexpressed in oral cancer patients' serum and tissue, and its peptide inhibitors showed significant cytotoxicity in oral cancer line KB. 

In the evening, Noble Laureate Dr. Robert Huber delivered his lecture on protein structures. It was highly motivational and encouraging lecture.

After that, from this year onward AIIMS has started a new award for its researchers for their contribution in to promote scientific research. Institute will honor them with prizes as one 1st prize, two 2nd prizes and five 3rd prizes.

It was all a good move. We should welcome it.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bharat Band, a political drama?

Today, besides opposition parties such as NDA, Samajwadi Party and DMK called Bharat Band. More or less it was successful by the eyes of these parties. Now, question should be what is the significance of this Band? Why is this double game by Samajwadi Party and DMK? These parties are continued with support to UPA government and at the same time protesting on road, just show their vote bank that they are with public. But, this is totally an act of making fun of public and their emotions.

Samajwadi Party is giving logic behind supporting UPA government that it does not let communal forces to come in power. A big question is that who is communal and what is communalism? In view of Samajwadi Party BJP is communal, but when Mulayam Singh invites Kalyan Singh (he was the main leader for which BJP is called communal) to join his party or give support to his party, then he does not see communalism. It is clear that political parties define this term time to time as they need.

At present, is there any fear of communalism? People of India dying due to inflation, the project money is being looted that is allotted for people's welfare, but still Samajwadi Party is supporting UPA government in name of communalism, this should only be called as opportunistic politics.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How shameless our politicians are?

आखिरकार राजनीतिक  नूराकुश्ती सामने आ ही गयी । जैसा की मैंने पहले कहा की राजनीतिक दल जनता की नहीं बल्कि अपना ही फायदा देखते हैं और ये तो अब और भी स्पष्ट ह गया । मुलायम सिंह यादव की गीदड़ भभकी सामने आ गयी और ममता बनर्जी हर बार की तरह फिर लौट के उसी रास्ते पे आ गयी । ऐसा लगता है की ये राजनीतिक नाटक पहले से ही तय था, क्रिकेट की भाषा में कहें तो फ़िक्स था । कांग्रेस को अपनी image सुधारनी थी, मुलायम सिंह और ममता बनर्जी को विरोध का नाटक करना था । कहीं न कहीं कांग्रेस और इनसे पहले ही बात हो चुकी थी और सारे नाटक की रुपरेखा पहले से ही लिखी जा चुकी थी, तभी तो कांग्रेस इतना confident थी । अचानक कांग्रेस में इतनी हिम्मत कहाँ से आ गयी? जो कांग्रेस पहले गठबंधन की मज़बूरी में निर्णय न ले पाने का रोना रोती थी, आज वो देशहित में शहीद हो जाने की बात कर रही है। सवाल ये उठता है की क्या पहले देशहित की प्राथमिकता कांग्रेस को नहीं थी? ये अपने आप में ही स्पष्ट है की इनको किसी तरह से सत्ता में काबिज़ रहना है। 

घोटाले तो करते ही ही हैं उपर से जनता का मजाक भी उड़ाते हैं की वो सब भूल जाती है, चुनाव आने दे शिंदे जी जनता बता देगी की वो क्या क्या याद रखती है । ये उसी देश की जनता है जिसने इंदिरा गाँधी को भी औकात दिखा दी थी फिर तो आप कहीं टिकते ही नहीं। इतना आत्मविश्वास न दिखाए की खुद की गर्दन कट जाये । इन्सान को उसके किये की सज़ा किसी न किसी रूप में मिल ही जाता है । आप बोफ़ोर्स को भूलने की बात करते हैं, ज़रा याद कर लें की राजीव गाँधी बोफ़ोर्स घोटाले कर के कितने दिन जी पाए । ये अलग बात है की उनकी मौत का बोफ़ोर्स घोटाले से कोई लेना देना नहीं है लेकिन न्याय तो किसी न किसी रूप में होता ही है। सारे पाप जब इकठ्ठे होते हैं तो उसकी परिणिति सामने आ ही जाती है । सच ही कहा गया है की: 
"One can not conceal the result of the mistakes which has been made ever."
अगर किताब के पन्ने पलटेंगे तो सबकुछ सामने आ जाता है। 

इन नेताओं की नज़र में जनता की यही औक़ात है, लेकिन भोली जनता फिर भी इन्हें माफ़ करती रहती है। जनता को अब अपनी ताक़त शिंदे जैसे देश का गद्दारों को दिखानी होगी। शिंदे जी अपने हाथ धो के कोयले की कालिख को साफ़ करना चाहते थे, उनके मन में तो था ही कि उनके हाथ कोयले से रंगे है। वो जनता को गुमराह करते की इससे पहले उनकी असलियत सामने आ गयी, प्रधानमंत्री को शिंदे जी ने अपने चहेते को कोयला आवंटन के लिए सिफ़ारिस की थी। दूसरी तरफ कोयला मंत्री जी अपने भाई की कंपनी को कोयला बाँट रहे थे। इस कोयले में सभी काले हैं। 

देशवासियों जागो और अपनी ताक़त दिखाओ जिसे भगत सिंह, चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद, बोस जैसे लोगों ने अपना खून देके आपको दिया है। अपनी आत्मा को जगाओ और आने वाली पीढ़ी को उनके सपनों का भारत सौंपो, ज़्यादा  से ज़्यादा देश को दें और दूसरों को प्रोत्साहित करें। वोट ज़रूर दे इससे देश की सरकार में आपकी हिस्सेदारी होती है।

जय हिंद, जय भारत।।

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Glimpse of Kanniyakumari

I am feeling very happy to share some glimpse of Kanniyakumari, Tamilnadu.

Why is this political drama?

UPA government is pretending that it is taking some bold and tough decision in favor of national interest over the party interest. Why did this government not take this decision before this crisis? Was it waiting for this situation? It is itself indicating failure of the government and its lack of decision.

Political drama has been started by all political parties just to attract the attention of people, and trying to prove that they are real caretaker. But, actually they have nothing for them. They are seeking their political establishment, and suitable time to act. Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav seems more active these days because he feels that it is perfect time to gain maximum in parliamentary election. If he really feels that policies of UPA government is against the common man, what for is he waiting? When UPA government completed its three years, it was Mulayam Singh who gave full marks by holding UPA government's report card. It is just his political stunts. He is cashing the mandate of public in form of relief from CBI investigation and bargaining to get maximum fund from center to be looted. Same is true for Mayawati.

I think public should be more aware with these things. They should vote for national interest instead of based on caste or anything else which is personal.

Jai Hind

Where is true democracy ?

The current situation of our country is facing political crisis, and the main reason behind this is behavior of our politicians. They do not feel their responsibility towards common man, they are not accountable to the people by whom they have been elected. I doubt that we are living in a country where true democracy prevails because rules are applicable in discriminative way. I am not doubting over our constitution, it gives equal right to every citizen of the country, but its implementation and use is not being done properly. For the same reason, it is applicable to common man but not to powerful personality specially politicians, for example, Aseem has been booked with charge of sedition for using our national symbol for his interest, but politicians have not been even touched for the same symbol that is used at a banner in Tamilnadu. Is this true democracy? Whoever raises his/her voice against corruption or any issues that are against government or political class,  he/she is being targeted by the government by hook or by crook.
Government can ask details of donors who gave donations to India Against Corruption (IAC) or Ramdev's movement but not to Congress, BJP and many political parties which do not give details that they get from their donors. IAC and Ramdev have to give their funding details, but similarly Congress and other parties have to give details of their funding source. Why is this double criteria? Rules should be equally applied to everyone. I am not demanding that political parties should give details of their funding source but they have to give otherwise it is a crime.
Political class is united for any kind of corruption, they just create drama before the people (their vote bank). Lakh crores rupee have been looted by them, but they say CAG has given wrong report. Our foreign reserve has been declined by them and inflation is imposed on pocket of common man to cover it. Why should common man be responsible for corruption made by politicians? Why should common man suffer? When a politician contest the first time for parliamentary election he has thousand or lakh sometimes in his pocket, but after winning when he comes for next election his asset reaches to crores, how is it? No one asks for this? From where did he make his asset? He should be made accountable. 
I appeal to our people please do not vote for your personal gain, but vote for your country, for the future of your forthcoming generation.  We should handover a good country to them where they have freedom to work without any hurdle, they have guarantee of employment and more importantly they have corruption free society and country. 
Jai Hind.
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